North Santa Rosa

Music Notes by Mrs. “R”

In  November the 5th grades, escorted by Mrs R and the 5th grade teachers from Jay Elem and Central Elementary were invited and attended the Pensacola Symphony Orchestra! A wonderful educational experience for all!

Jay Elementary Chorus performed December 15th at 8:15 am to a standing room only crowdin JHS auditorium.  They performed 15 selections of various Music from Handels Messiah, pieces to Rock and Roll Santa Claus.  70 students from 5th grade Chorus performed. Directed by Mrs. R.
At Central Elementary on December 16th, the whole K-5th Elementary performed Musically for parents on the cafeteria stage. The students did a wonderful job entertaining!  Directed by MRs R.

Posted by on Jan 21 2012. Filed under Schools. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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