North Santa Rosa

Literacy Week -Take the Lead and Read

Jay Elementary Celebrates Literacy Week, January 23-27th, 2012.  This year’s theme is Take the Lead and Read!

On Monday they will have Million Minute Marathon- this gives students at least 20 extra minutes to read in school this day.  When the students read their “minutes” will be counted to reach a Million in the State.

On Tuesday-Chandler Burgess will visit in his racing gear and talk to the students about the importance of reading and doing well in school. He will take 5-10 minutes of each PE class to make his presentation.

On Wednesday-Award winning author and National Geographic Photographer Michael Patrick O’Neill will be here. This is an exciting opportunity for our students to see and hear a non-fiction author.

On Thursday-Dutch Burkhead will visit with his racing go-cart and trophies. He will talk about his racing during each PE class.

On Friday-Miss Alaneious Parade.  Children will be in  costumes. The parade will begin at 1:00 with the sixth grade
and as they walk through the halls they will be picking up each grade level at the back of the line as they go.

Posted by on Jan 19 2012. Filed under Jay Elementary, Local. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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