Friends Support Cafeteria Worker
The friends of Amy Padgett have organized a defense for her “relocation”. Amy Padgett, an employee of Sodexo , who had worked at Central School for 13 years in the cafeteria was recently disciplined and relocated to another location in Santa Rosa County. The students of the school are upset and feel that this is an injustice. Some of the students have taken it upon themselves to boycott the cafeteria in opposition. Over half of the student body (297) students have signed a petition to have Amy retuned to Central.
Parents and friends are meeting with Sodexo on Friday, January 13, at 8:30 at the Food Service Conference Room located at 6544 Firehouse Rd. in Milton, FL to avoid any further disruption at Central School.
“I feel that she was done wrong and she doesn’t have a union or anyone to back her like a teacher would,so I guess that is why I am fighting so hard for her.” stated Donna Tate, a parent at Central.