Central Cafeteria Worker “Relocated” – meeting rescheduled
A Central school cafeteria worker has been “relocated”. Ms. Amy Padgett, a worker for Sodexo, was reassigned after an minor incident at the school. According to several sources this involved salt and tater tots.
NSR News has learned that in response to the letter shown below that Sodexo will have a representative to meet with concerned parents at Central Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 8:30 in the cafeteria . Update: The meeting has had to be rescheduled, time and place will be announed later.
They have stated that the move was due to “disciplinary action”. Amy has been at Central for 13 years.
Letter submitted to NSR News:
Mr. McMahon,
I tried to leave a voice mail for you Friday afternoon but was unsure if it actually went through due to the fact all it allowed me to do was leave my name & number before the voicemail system beeped.
As a parent of two Central’s students felt I needed to let you know that I have an issue and disagree with the “relocation” of Amy from Central’s cafeteria. Amy has been a part of the Central family for 13 complete school years and this is her 14th school year. Central is a small family orientated school, Ms. Amy has served kids who have now returned and are teachers. She knows most of those by name, knows their people their family, SHE is part of the Central family. Her kids attend Central.
The current Central Sodexo Cafeteria Manger does not even keep ketchup in stock, she is rude to students , she fails to order enough salad for all lunches throughout the week — I was under the idea that what ever is offered for the first person for lunch that the last person to go through the line was to have the same choices which is not the case many days at Central. If I am to understand correctly this is the current managers 3rd year with the company and her 3rd school ?
But yet you have decided to “relocate” Amy to another school, she who has given 110% for years. This is like a slap in the face for a long term company employee.
I hesitate to spend another dime in the Central Cafeteria and I am sure I am not the only person to feel this way.
Thank you for your time.
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