Brown Bag Lunch @ Navarre Library
Brown Bag Lunch Series @ Your Library
Feed your body and mind at Navarre Library’s 2012 Brown Bag Lunch series. You bring a lunch and drink, and we’ll provide an interesting and interactive presentation. Ongoing Brown Bag Lunches will be held on the third Wednesday of each month, from noon until 1 p.m. in the Navarre Library Meeting Room (unless indicated otherwise on the online library calendar) . Each program is open to the public and there is no charge or registration required.
The first Brown Bag Lunch will be held on Wednesday, January 18. The topic will be Weigh Less, Live More–discover a safe way to drop pounds and feel fully satisfied. The program will explore weight loss problems, why diets don’t work, and what can be done instead, covering topics such as “Sugar Blues” (the craving for sweets), and “Eating for Energy” (what foods increase or decrease our energy). The presenter will be Tambra Lanham, Certified Health Coach.