North Santa Rosa

Hard Freeze Monday and Tuesday

The High today should be 57* and the low will be in the high 20’s.  Tuesday the high will just get to 50* with the lows again dipping into the 20’s.

The CDC has several Cold Weather tips.

Whenever temperatures drop decidedly below normal and as wind speed increases, heat can leave your body more rapidly. Extreme cold is a dangerous situation that can bring on health emergencies in susceptible people, such as those without shelter or who are stranded, or who live in a home that is poorly insulated or without heat. Infants less than one year old should never sleep in a cold room because they lose body heat more easily than adults. Unlike adults, infants are unable to make enough body heat by shivering.

You can avoid many dangerous winter travel problems by planning ahead. Have maintenance service on your vehicle as often as the manufacturer recommends:

  • Have the radiator system serviced and add antifreeze, as needed.
  • Replace windshield-wiper fluid with a wintertime mixture.

Prepare your home for cold weather:

  • Have at least one of the following heat sources in case the power goes out:
    • Fireplace with plenty of dry firewood or gas log fireplace
    • Portable space heaters or kerosene heaters
  • Check with your local fire department to make sure that kerosene heaters are legal in your area.
  • Never place a space heater on top of furniture or near water.
  • Use electric space heaters with
    • automatic shut-off switches and
    • nonglowing elements.
  • Keep heat sources at least 3 feet away from furniture and drapes.
  • Never leave children unattended near a space heater.
  • Have the following safety equipment:
    • Chemical fire extinguisher
    • Smoke alarm in working order (Check once a month and change batteries once a year.)
    • Carbon monoxide detector
  • Never use an electric generator indoors, inside the garage, or near the air intake of your home because of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning:
    • Do not use the generator or appliances if they are wet.
    • Do not store gasoline indoors where the fumes could ignite.
    • Use individual heavy-duty, outdoor-rated cords to plug in other appliances.


Posted by on Jan 2 2012. Filed under Local. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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