North Santa Rosa

Living With Purpose by Matt Dobson

Without fail I meet people every week that seem to carry with them an “emptiness” of heart and passion. Their life appears to be weighted down by self-indulgence, guilt, insecurity, regret, doubt, and/or fear. Sometimes it shows on their face, sometimes in their behavior, and still others in their speech. And if I’m completely honest, there are times I have to “get out of myself” and correct my own thinking. It’s usually a daily task. “Get out of myself”.  Now there’s an act that requires effort!

A few years ago I found myself in a sad state. I was disheartened to say the least. I lacked my usual enthusiasm and energy and I was despairing over something that did not survive. Time, distance, and misunderstanding became obstacles seemingly too high to overcome. My spirit was willing, but the circumstances were quickly taken out of my control. I was empty. I was at a low point in my life and was physically and emotionally devastated. With the power of prayer and positive thinking, I chose to face my disappointment by helping others cope with similar circumstances. It was emotionally draining, but it proved to help me move on and “get out of myself”.

I discovered when you become involved in helping solve problems of others, with their consent of course, you find more meaning in life. In a strange way, your own past struggle almost seems worth it.  You may not think you have the inner resources to cope, but you do. The Bible says, “Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21) If you turn to God, if you seek Him, truly seek Him with all your heart, the Bible tells us you will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). There-in lies your power source. This is the key, starting and establishing a relationship with God. This is the first step in beating the “emptiness of life”. Put God on your side and think of others. The guaranteed cure for an empty feeling is to cultivate a genuine concern for everyone, especially those who are dealing with hurt, grief, and disappointment. This can be your act of love, a concern for others. I can promise you, it will put meaning and happiness where that big void is now in your life.

The people that impact others the most are those who have an ingrained habit of always thinking of other people and showing them kindness. There are some, who you may think has it all. But some of these are wondering how come it isn’t all they expected. They have big houses, lots of cash and all it can buy, but they’re not happy. They feel life is still empty. They complain something is wrong somewhere and want to find what it is and what they can do about it.

Too often in our own worlds, we go about with fixed attention on ourselves: the grocery list, the next ball game, cell phones with cutting-edge technology, the car that needs fixing, the neighbor’s dog that keeps your cat up the tree and you awake at night. I challenge you today, take your mind off yourself, think of others and comfort someone who is suffering. It is amazing how a person, no matter how burdened, can create and release dynamic forces that turn back personal defeat and exchange it for victory and hope.

Let me end this week by saying, be careful about judging others. Remember that every person carries his or her own sorrow. You will find life to never be empty if you “get out of yourself” by taking advantage of the many opportunities to help others in their struggles. And don’t forget to find a church, attend faithfully, and follow God in all your ways.

Posted by on Dec 18 2011. Filed under Living With Purpose, Local, Top News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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