North Santa Rosa

Lindsay Gelinne: Chumuckla Elementary School Related Employee of the Year

Chumuckla Elementary selected Lindsay Gelinne: Pre-K Teacher Assistant, as the School Related Employee of the Year.  She has been at Chumuckla Elementary School since the 2011-2012 school year. (This year is her first year). She had just moved to Santa Rosa County in June 2011 with her husband, because he was attending  flight school.

There are many things Lindsay enjoys about her job. She feels very lucky to get a job at Chumuckla Elementary School working with such friendly, caring, and helpful people. They have made her feel very welcome.  “The students I work with keep me working hard, but I love seeing the huge improvements they’ve made so far this year and hearing the innocent and  funny things that they have to say!” , Lindsay says about her job.

She will be taking the Florida K-6 certification test in February and hopes to become a classroom teacher in the future!

Posted by on Dec 14 2011. Filed under Chumuckla Elementary, Local. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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