North Santa Rosa

Lady Jaguar Varsity Basketball Roster

The Lady Jaguars Varsity Basketball team members are: Seniors- Sarah Forsythe and Myranda Jernigan; Juniors- Natelie Jernigan, Brittney Forsythe, Alyssa Colucci, Jessica Adams, and Hayleigh Padgett; Sophomore- Allaina Morrow; and Freshman- Makayla Simmons. Keristen Wright is coach for the Lady Jags. The tip-off tournament will be held at Central November 7-8, 2011. Central will play PCA at 7:15 Monday.

Posted by on Nov 3 2011. Filed under Central. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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