North Santa Rosa

League of Cities to meet in Jay

The Northwest Florida League of Cities will hold a Board of Directors Meeting and Membership Dinner on Thursday, October 20, 2011 in Jay, FL.  A tour will be given starting at 2 pm at the Jay City Hall.  Tour includes stops at Holland Farm’s (specializing in peanuts) and the local cotton gin.  all elected an appointed officials from each city/town, associate members and legislative members and staff in Northwest Florida are encouraged and welcome to attend.

The NWFLC Board of Directors will have a meeting at 5 pm inside the City Hall.  Dinner will begin at 6 pm at the Jay Community Center. For more information contact Christy Shell at  the main office located in Tallahassee at 850-487-1870.

Posted by on Oct 19 2011. Filed under Local. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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