2011 JHS Homecoming Court
The 2011 JHS Homecoming Court .
Meet the JHS Homecoming Court. A special thank you to Jane Hayes, who graciously opened her home ( the old Kent House) for the ladies to have their photo shot. Sarah Campbell, 2010 Homecoming Queen, will be at the Lions Roar on Thursday, September 29th at 10 am. to crown the newest Queen. Below is a brief biography of each Attendant.
Senior Attendants pictured below are Cara Cassady, Tori Reid, Makala Paul and Tessa Hendricks.
Cara Halee Cassady
Senior Attendant
Cara is the daughter of Tim and Lee Cassady. She is actively involved in the Youth Group at Mt. Carmel Methodist Church. Cara loves spending time with friends and family. She also loves texting and singing.
Cara is a member in the following clubs: FCCLA, and CWO. She is involved in Student Government , and is on the Yearbook staff,
Ms. Cassady participates in the Jay High Royal Pride Band as a member of the Winterguard and Colorguard teams for three years.
Her escort will be Ricky Gilbert. Ricky is the son of Tiffany and Fred Ward.
Tessa Hendricks
Senior Attendant
Tessa is the daughter of Ricky and Nina Hendricks. She enjoys reading, listening to music, hanging out with friends, talking, and playing board games.
Tessa is a member in the following clubs: Rho Kappa, Beta, NHS, NAHS, Tri-M, FCCLA, FFA and Spanish. She is involved in Student Government, and on the Yearbook Staff.
Ms. Hendricks has participated over the years in many sports at Jay High School which are: Volleyball-6yrs; Basketball-5yrs; Softball-5 yrs; Cheerleading-3 yrs; and Competition Cheerleading-1yr.
Tessa will be escorted by Todd Laney. Todd is the son of Tim and Vicki Laney
Meaghan Makala Paul
Senior Attendant
Makala is the daughter of Darrell and Felicia Paul. She enjoys spending time with friends, family and her wonderful boyfriend, Nicklaus McMellon. She also enjoys texting, swimming and shopping. Makala is active in her youth group at New Bethal Baptist Church.
She is a member of the Royal Pride Marching Band Colorgaurd.
Makala is a member in the following clubs: FCCLA, Tri-M, CWO and NHS.
She has participated in the Colorguard and Winterguard for 3 years and has run Track for one year.
Makala will be escorted by Mike Kelley, son of Brenda Hinote and Randall Kelley.
Tori Daniela Reid
Senior Attendant
Tori is the daughter of Chasity Reid and Keith Reid. She enjoys spending time with friends and family. She is active in her youth group at Berrydale Baptist.
Tori is a member in the following clubs: FCCLA, FFA, Spanish Club and CWO.
Ms. Reid has participated in Cheerleading for 6 years, Softball for 4 years and Competition Cheering for 1 year.
She will be escorted by Colton Sims. Colton is the son of Randy Sims and Charlotte Sims.
Shawna Kinder
Junior Attendant
Shawna is the daughter of Adam and Crystal Kinder. She enjoys her youth group.
Ms. Kinder is involved in Student Government, the Spanish Club and CWO while being duel enrolled at Pensacola State College at the Milton campus.
She has participated in Cheerleading for 3 years, Track and Field for 2 years and Competition Cheering for 1 year.
Shawna will be escorted by Evan Goodson, son of Kevin and Kristy Goodson.
Kayla Lauren Flowers
Sophomore Attendant
Kayla is the daughter of Alton Flowers and the late Judy Flowers. She enjoys spending time with her family, attending Mount Carmel United Methodist Church, and hanging out with friends.
Ms. Flowers is involved in Student Government, the Spanish Club, Christian World Order, Sr. Beta Club, and National Honor Society.
She has participated in Cheerleading for 3 years and Varsity Cheerleading for 1 year, and the Competition Squad for 1 year.
Kayla will be escorted by Chandler Burgess. Chandler is the son of Jimmy and Vaneica Burgess.
Makenzie Bray
Freshman Attendant
Makenzie is the daughter of Derek and Misty Bray. She enjoys spending time outdoors, wakeboarding, cheering for the Royals, and hanging out with friends and family.
Ms. Bray is involved in FFA for 2 years and now holds the position of Secretary. She is also in the Spanish Club.
Makenzie has participated in Cheerleading for 3 years.
She will be escorted by Thomas Fischer, son of Junia and Jeff Fischer.