North Santa Rosa

Local man qualifies for state position

by Susan McGee, NSR News
July 17, 2011 7:21pm
Jack Floyd in front of the House of Representatives
Jay, FL. – How often have you heard someone say, “All our representatives are from south Florida.” Or “our interests are never met because we have no local representation in government?” 
Well – here is a chance to make a difference in helping a local young man represent – this county, this region, this state. 
Jack Floyd, a life-long resident of Jay, has qualified for appointment to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission and would be replacing two time commissioner of Miami – Rodney Barreto. Governor Rick Scott is set to appoint a new commissioner to take his seat by the end of July. 
The application and background examination process is lengthy – but Floyd made it without a hitch and has qualified, along with 8 other applicants for the appointment. He is the only applicant from the Florida Panhandle. The other applicants are from Miami, St. Petersburg, Immokalee, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, and Fort Lauderdale and 1 of the 9 applicants will be chosen for the position. The current seven members of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission are located in Central and South Florida. 
The 42- year old husband and father of two girls, is the owner of Jay’s Dura-Med businesses, and also owns companies in Alabama and Mississippi. He recently opened a new pharmacy and soda shoppe on Hwy. 4 in “downtown” Jay. 
When asked why he feels he should be the man for the job he said “my desire to serve in this capacity comes from my life-long experiences in our state’s management areas. Our game wardens report to the Fish and Wildlife Commission and I would help to take care of Florida wildlife and marine life species – native to our state.” 
Floyd added that there isn’t a trail in the 240,000 acres of Blackwater River State Forest that I haven’t been down. I am an avid hunter, and fisherman in our state. I feel that I spend more time involved in these activities in a year than any other representative does in a lifetime.” 
Floyd said that he feels his conservative values would be in sync with this area’s ideals and that the closest representative of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission is Brian Yablonski in Tallahassee, FL Floyd pointed out that his appointment would not be over an incumbent and is a non-compensated position. In other words – he works for free, and is not someone who can provide political payback.” 
Some of his other service to this community has been as chairperson of our area’s “Relay for Life,” as Florida Chapter Board of Directors for the American Cancer Society; the Jay Hospital Advisory Board Secretary; and has served on the Jay Elementary School Advisory Board. Jack is married to the former Mima West and has two daughters Morgan – 11; and Mallory – 8 whom he adds enjoys our state’s resources with him “all the time.” 
You can e-mail the following website and cast your opinion. Just a simple statement of endorsement or a lengthy letter – any type of communication will help to progress Mr. Floyd in the appointment process. The decision will be made by August 1 – so make your voice heard soon. 
Send your recommendations to: 
Chester Spellman Appointments Office 
The Capitol, Suite 705, 400 S. Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399 
Telephone (850) 488-2183 
Fax (850) 921-0733 
Or email – 
Or go to the following link for more information:
Posted by on Jul 31 2011. Filed under Local. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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