JES Supply List 2011-2012
Submitted to NSR News
Kindergarten: 4 large 8 pk. Crayola crayons classic washable markers, 1 lg. box of Kleenex, 1 roll paper towels, 1 – 24 pkg. #2 pencils, 1 pair blunt scissors, 8 lg pkg. glue sticks, 1 box quart slide ziplock bags, 1 box of Gallon zip lock bags, 1 plastic duo-tang folder with pockets, paint shirt (mom or dad’s old shirt will do), Back Pack (regular size WITHOUT ROLLERS), 4 boxes of 24 crayons, 2 reams of white copy paper (8 ½ X 11), 1 pack of pencil cap erasers.
First Grade: 1 pkg. assorted construction paper, 1 – 24 pkg. yellow #2 pencils, 1-duo-tang plastic folders with pockets/fasteners, 1-24 count crayons, 1 blunt scissors, 2 bxs. Kleenex, large school box, 1 roll paper towels, 2 boxes washable markers, 4 glue sticks, waterless hand sanitizer, 1 ream white copy paper, 1 ream white cardstock, 2 antibacterial wipes, BOYS – 1 box gallon ziplock bags, GIRLS – 1 box quart ziplock bags.
Second Grade: Backpack –NO ROLLERS, large school box, small change holder for lunch money, crayons, washable markers, scissors, glue stick/glue, 1 pkg. #2 pencils (NO MECHANICAL), 1 pkg. pencil top erasers, 2 plastic duo-tang folders with fasteners/pockets, 1 spiral notebook (wide lined) 2 reams of white copy paper (8 ½ X 11), 2 lg boxes of Kleenex, 1 12oz pump bottle of GERM-X hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, $10.00 activity fee, BOYS – 1 pkg. assorted construction paper, 1 box gallon slide zip lock bags, GIRLS – 1 ream white cardstock ( 8 ½ X 11), 1 box snack size ziplock bags.
Third Grade: 1 pkg. crayons, 2 rolls paper towels, 2 pkg. pencil cap erasers, 3 boxes of Kleenex, glue sticks, 1 pair of scissors, 1 pkg. red pens, 1 pkg. of highlighters, washable felt tip markers, 1″ white 3 ring notebook, 2 pks. Loose leaf paper ( NOT college ruled), 1 spiral notebook (NOT college ruled), 2 reams copy paper, 1 sm. School box, 4 -24 pkg. of #2 pencils, 5 plastic duo-tang folders with fasteners – red, blue, yellow, green, and orange,BOYS – 1 container of disinfecting wipes, GIRLS – 1 -12oz bottle of GERM-X.
Fourth Grade: 2 boxes of Kleenex, pack of colored pencils, crayons, scissors, glue sticks, washable markers, 2 rolls of paper towels, loose-leaf paper (NOT college ruled), plain #2 pencils,1 pencil bag, 3 spiral one-subject composition books, small school box, backpack (no rollers), 6 duo-tang folders with prongs and pockets, 2 reams of white copy paper, 1 box gallon ziplock bags, 1- 2″ 3 ring binder, 1 pkg. yellow highlighters.
Fifth Grade: Crayons, scissors, Elmer’s glue, magic markers – washable, 5 duo-tang folders with pockets, small school box, 1 roll paper towels, 1 – 40oz. bottle of GERM-X hand sanitizer, 3 lg boxes of Kleenex, 1 pkg. of highlighters, 2-12 pack #2 pencils (NO MECHANICAL), backpack (NO ROLLERS), 3 composition books (not college ruled), 2 reams of white copy paper, 1 pack multi-colored dry erase markers, loose leaf paper (not college ruled), 1 black permanent marker, 1 green pen to check with, BOYS – 1 box gallon ziplock bags, GIRLS – 1 box quart ziplock bags.
Sixth Grade: #2 Pencils daily (no mechanical), 1 roll paper towels, 2 lg. box of Kleenex, 1 red pen, 1 ream of white copy paper, loose leaf paper (wide-ruled), 1 small pencil sharpener with cover, 1 large spiral notebook (wide ruled), 1 pkg. yellow highlighters, 6 colored plastic duo-tang folders with prongs and pockets (blue, red, green, purple, orange, and yellow).