VBS at Cobbtown
Cobbtown Holiness Church will host VBS, Campin’ Out – Getting S’more of Jesus, July 19-21 from 6pm-8 pm for ages 5-12. A light meal will be provided each night. Church address is 4700 Greenwood Rd. Jay, FL 32565
Come have fun with us as we learn that Jesus is the Light! You have the option to pre-register your child using our VBS website at www.myvbs.org/cobbtownvbs2017, you can contact VBS director at (850) 375-4172, or you can register at VBS. Any questions please call or text Brittany Butler at (850) 375-4172.
Posted by North Santa Rosa
on Jun 6 2017. Filed under Announcements, Church News, Events, Happenings, Local.
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