Milton, FL – The 2017 “Walk for Mommy & Me” will take place on Saturday, April 22, from 10:00 a.m. to Noon at Carpenter’s Park on Munson Highway in Milton. The walk is sponsored by the Florida Department of Health in Santa Rosa County WIC Program and supports the Department of Health’s Healthy Babies and Healthiest Weight initiatives. The event is free and open to the public. No rain date has been determined.
“We are happy to be able to sponsor The Walk again this year,” said Dianne Pickens, LD, WIC director with DOH-Santa Rosa. “The event really focuses on the whole family. There are activities for children and lots of good information for parents. It’s a great opportunity for families to spend some time together having fun and being physically active. We encourage everyone to come out and have a good time.”
The walk around the park will feature 37 booths with information of interest to parents including nutrition and car seat safety, activities and games for children, local mascots McGruff and the Crash Test Dummies, Zumba and food demonstrations, and Kindermusik. All registered participants will receive a free entry into a drawing for special prizes. You must be present to win.
For more information, contact Dede Barrett in the health department’s WIC program at 850-983-5250 or visit the Florida Department of Health in Santa Rosa County web site at
About the Florida Department of Health