Upcoming Central High School Homecoming Activities
Central Jaguars vs. Malone Tigers
Central Jaguars vs. Malone Tigers Dress Up Days: Everyone is encouraged to participate! This is a school-wide competition for all grades.
Monday, Dec. 5th … Pajama Day….“Put the Tigers to Sleep” Dress up in your school-appropriate pajamas.
Tuesday, Dec. 6th… Decades Day……“Throw the Tigers Back in Time” Wear clothes from your favorite decade/time period.
Wednesday, Dec. 7th …Classy Day… “Outclass the Tigers.” Dress up in your Sunday best.
Thursday, Dec. 8th …Disney Character Day….”Once Upon a Win” Dress up as your favorite Disney character.
Friday, Dec. 9th … Spirit Day… “Fear the Claw!” Show your Jaguar pride!! Wear your Jag shirts/hoodies, face tattoos, etc.
Work Days:
Students will be allowed time during the week to work on homecoming items with their sponsors. Students MUST check in with their assigned teacher for attendance purposes before leaving class to work. You will need to decide amongst your other sponsors who will house the non-workers and where they will be.
Monday, Dec. 5th – 6th period
Tuesday, Dec. 6th — 5th period
Wednesday, Dec. 7th – 3rd period (after voting)
Thursday, Dec. 8th – 2nd period
Homecoming Assembly Practice:
(Layout: Jessica & Brennis, Line-up: Megan & Melinda, Music & Sound: Iris Harper, Announcer: Haleigh Herring)
Tues., Dec. 6th …8:30 am— Practice in the gym for nominees, class reps, and escorts
Homecoming Assembly:
(Decorations: Jessica & Brennis, Line-up: Megan & Melinda, Music & Sound: Iris Harper, Announcer: Haleigh Herring)
Wed., Dec.7th…9:30am- (2nd pd.) — Assembly: Homecoming Queen and Princess Nominee & Class Reps presented.
*****Dress in Sunday best. *****
Voting for Queen and Princess when students return to class (3rd pd).
Homecoming Parade: Thursday, Dec. 8th …Line up by 12:45. It will start at Oglesby Road. Judging will be at 12:45. Parade starts at 1:20. Homecoming Queen & Princess nominees will ride in their own individual cars, which they must provide. (Convertibles or trucks) Jessica Rowell will be in charge of organizing line up and will be sending specific instructions to those involved. Mrs. Becky will be contacting our alumni to ride in the antique cars.
Tailgate Party & Bonfire:
Thursday, Dec. 8th….. 7:00pm….Starts at the arboretum immediately after basketball games. This is a family-friendly (alcohol free) activity to celebrate being a Jaguar! Hot dogs, chips, & drinks provided free of charge by the Jaguar Athletic Boosters. Classes and organizations may sell other foods or refreshments from their “tailgates”.
Homecoming Pep Rally:
(SGA) Friday, Dec. 9th …9:00am….Door Judging will be done during the pep rally. 9-12th grade will be presenting their skits.
Homecoming Pre-Game Walk-Out: (doors open at 5:00)
(Decorations: Jessica & Brennis, Line-up: Megan & Melinda, Music & Sound: Iris Harper, Announcer: Haleigh Herring)
Friday, Dec. 9th …6:00pm—Homecoming nominees and class reps are presented. Queen and Princess are crowned.
Nominees, class reps, & escorts will meet in the testing room (Mrs. Golden’s classroom) before the Walk-Out. All participants will need to have their pictures taken in the ITV studio by Hartman Photography for the yearbook. Representatives and nominees that are either basketball players are cheerleaders will take their pictures before the ceremony. All others will take their pictures immediately after the ceremony. Susan Crawford will have the sign-up times for pictures.
Game: Friday, Dec. 9th ….. Jaguars vs. Tigers Varsity Boys @ 7:15 pm
Alumni Reception:
(Mrs. Becky)
Friday, Dec. 9th…….During the game in the media center
Post Game Meal:
(Tarah Holland)
Immediately after the game, Malone players and families, along with Central players and cheerleaders will report to the cafeteria for a post-game meal. We usually do this every time we play Malone at home because of how far they travel to get here. Meal is provided by members of the Jaguar Athletic Booster Club.
Homecoming Dance:
(Brennis & Jessica)
- Saturday, Dec. 10th … 6:00-8:30 pm for middle school
9:00-11:30 pm for high school
- Tickets are $10.00 in advance. They will be on sale the week of 11/28-12/2. Price at the door the night of the dance—-$12.00.
- Photographer….Hartman Photography Photo package order forms will be sent home before the dance.
- DJ….A DJ Connection
- Dress is semi-formal attire. For girls, this means short or hi-low formals. Boys should wear khakis or dress pants, long-sleeved dress shirt, dress shoes, and a tie. Corsages and boutonnieres also make it special!
- Central School – Out of school guest policy: Middle school students—cannot have out of school guests other than a Chumuckla Elem. 6th grader ****6th graders from Chumuckla are permitted to attend
9th & 10th grade students – allowed to bring an out of school guest who is in high school 11th & 12 grade students – allowed to bring an out of school guest who is in 9th grade through age 20 All guests must be approved. Approval forms can be obtained from Mrs. Mathews, and must be turned in no later than Friday, December 2nd. Guests who are not in high school must have a valid photo ID to enter dance, and must be under the age of 21 at the time of the dance.
- Parents will NOT be allowed into the dance unless they were selected and approved in advance by the SGA sponsors to chaperone.