Jay Cheerleaders to Host Mini Cheer Camp
The Jay High School Cheerleaders will be hosting their annual Mini Cheer camp next week. The camp will take place on Monday, Sept. 12th, Tuesday, Sept. 13th, and Thursday, Sept. 15th. There will be NO camp on Wednesday. The camp times will be after school until 4:00. Parents need to pick up at 4:00 near the football field entrance. On that Friday, the camp participants will entertain the crowd with a pre game performance, before the West Gadsden ball game. All participants will get in the game free but anyone attending with them must pay admission.
Cost for the camp: $35.00 which includes a shirt.
Ages: Pre-K through 6th grade
Please contact Junia Fischer at Jay High School for more information
The profits from the camp will go to help the varsity squad with expense associated with the Sugar Bowl Half-time performance trip, in New Orleans.