Jay Substation Repaired in Record Time
A fire on April 3 destroyed the Jay substation which is owned by PowerSouth Energy Cooperative, the power supplier for Escambia River Electric Cooperative. Because of the extensive damage, it was anticipated that it could take up to six weeks to have the substation fully operational again. EREC members on the Jay substation have been receiving power through a mobile substation brought in and installed by PowerSouth and EREC line crews.
Today, just over three weeks after the fire, repairs to the substation were completed and EREC members’ power was switched over from the mobile substation to the Jay substation. This changeover caused no disruption of power for members as crews were able to perform the work “hot” resulting in no interruption of energy flow.
Caption for Photo: PowerSouth crews switch EREC members from the mobile substation back to the Jay substation after repairing extensive fire damage.